Send Invoice with Email to Clients

23rd OF NOVEMBER, 2022

We have just made a great addition to our repair management system, you are now able to send invoices through email with Repero.

It is very simple, you just have to create an email template and then you just have to click one button every time you want to send the Invoice.

The template is created in Custom emails in your settings, you write the email you want to send to your customers, using the variables available and then finish by checking the Attach invoice box.

Notify Client in Repair Management System

This will then become available inside repairs in the Notify Client box.

Custom Emails are only available for Business, Premium and Ultimate subscriptions plans.


Need help?

If you have any issues or questions you can always send us an email to or through our contact form.

Or you have an idea for a new feature or for improvements? We are always intrested in hearing your thoughts!

By Lena Dís Rúnarsdóttir